Sacred Seasons — The Story of the Bible in the Zodiac
“And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years… (Genesis 1:14 NIV)
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years… (Genesis 1:14 ESV)
The History of Israel
God’s Promise to Abraham
Aries — The Ram is God’s promise to Abraham to bless all nations through him (Genesis 12:1–3). God showed Abraham how He will bless all the nations when He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22). As they made their way up the mountain, Abraham said to Isaac that God would provide the lamb for the offering (Genesis 22:8). At the last second, God provided a ram as the substitute sacrifice instead of Isaac (Genesis 22:13), as a foreshadow for the ultimate substitute sacrifice for all of humanity: The Lamb of God.
God’s Revelation to Moses
Taurus — The Bull represents God’s deliverance in the Exodus, where He led Moses and Israel to freedom with “the strength of an ox” (Number 23:22). The bull was a symbol of Deity in ancient near eastern cultures such as Egypt and Canaan. The true God, the true “bull” is Yahweh. It was to Moses that God revealed His Nature and His Law at Mount Sinai (Exodus 32–34), while the people worshiped a golden calf, a symbol of a false god. The true God is the Living Bull. Savior and Judge. Loving and Just.
The Divided Kingdoms and Pre-exilic Prophets
Gemini — The Identical Twins is God’s judgment over the united kingdom of Israel, by dividing them into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah (1 Kings 11–12). Divide and conquer. God divided His people, then allowed them to be conquered as a result of turning away from God (2 Kings 17, 2 Kings 25). This is also the time of the pre-exilic Prophets, who God rose up to communicate with His people about impending doom, but they would not listen. God would eventually need to come down as The Prophet.
The Return of Judah from Exile
Cancer — The Crab is God’s promise to comfort His people and bring them back home, as a mother comforts her children (Isaiah 66:13). Cancer is represents a nurturing mother and home, both which are symbols of safety and comfort. Cancer is associated with the Moon. The exile was the darkest time in Israel’s history. God promised not only to gather the exiles of Israel, but all the people of the Earth as well (Isaiah 56:8). The people of Judah returned from exile in Babylon to prepare for the One that would come from the tribe of Judah…
The First Coming of Jesus
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Leo — The Lion represents God’s promise to send His Messiah from the tribe of Judah, as prophesied by Jacob (Genesis 49:9–10). This is the Incarnation of Jesus, the one called “the Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5). In astrology Leo is associated with the Sun, and thus is considered the sign that shines the brightest. Jesus, the Lion, is the Light of mankind (John 1:4). He came not only for the descendants of Jacob, but also to be a light for the gentiles (Isaiah 49:6, 56:8, John 10:16).
Born of a Virgin Mary
Virgo — The Virgin Woman represents the Messiah’s virgin birth through Mary. Jesus had no earthly father, therefore He’s the Son of God, fully God (John 10:30). As the Son of Mary, He’s fully man (Luke 2:40, 52). Jesus was recognized as the Messiah while in her womb (Luke 1:39–45). Unlike other birth miracles such as Isaac (Genesis 17:15–21) and John the Baptist (Luke 1:5–25), the promise and conception of Jesus did not include a man. God became human, to do for humanity what we could not do for ourselves.
Appointed to Bring Justice
Libra — The Scales is a symbol of the mission and message of the Messiah during His ministry. He came to restore balance and usher God’s relationship of peace with humanity by giving his life as a ransom for many (John 10:45) for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28), to bring justice to all nations (Isaiah 42:1), to proclaim good news to the poor and liberty to the captives and oppressed (Isaiah 61:1–2, Luke 4:16–21). He preached truth in a world full of lies, and healed, both physically and spirituality, in a sick world. Those who claimed to see rejected Him, and those who could not see had their eyes opened (John 9:35–41).
Through His Death and Resurrection
Scorpio — The Scorpion and The Eagle represent the Death and Resurrection of the Christ (Matthew 27–28, John 19–20), whose sacrifice would atone for the sin of the world (Isaiah 53, Mark 10:45) and defeat death (Revelation 1:18). The scorpion is the symbol of the sins of the world that Jesus took upon His flesh and paid for them at the cross (Isaiah 53); the eagle is the Resurrected and Glorified Jesus, who later ascended to heaven (Luke 24:50–51, Acts 1:6–11). Those who put their faith in Jesus, wait faithfully and persevere till the end, will also be resurrected and they will fly like eagles (Isaiah 40:31).
The Last Days
The Rise and Conquest of the Anti-Christ
Sagittarius — The Centaur is the rise the one who pretends to the King, coming out to conquer the holy people of God, those who follow Jesus. The rider with the bow on a horse fused as one image, coming out to conquer. (Revelation 6:1). He fools the people of earth with his visionary approach and false spiritual leadership, but he brings war, famine and death. This is also an image of everyone who opposes God, but are ultimately doomed to fail (Amos 2:15).
Capricorn — The SeaGoat is the beast that comes out of the sea, the conquest of the antichrist through the power of the enemy, and his short reign on earth (Revelation 13:1–8). The last desperate and futile attempt of the enemy to stop the fulfillment of the great commission (Matthew 28:18–20). God allows the conquest of this beast to show humanity what it truly means to live in a world that rejects God. The doom of this beast and his master is at hand…
The Son of Man and The Last Judgment
Aquarius — The Water Bearer is the return of the Son of Man who is given dominion, glory and an everlasting Kingdom (Daniel 7:13–14), the Messiah coming with the clouds of heaven (Revelation 1:7), the One who is seated at the right hand of the Father (Psalm 110:1, Mark 14:62), to be worshiped by people of all nations and languages (Genesis 49:10). The Resurrected and Glorified King Jesus comes back to give us His living water (John 4:1–14), which will heal the world and provide life in the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 22:1–2).
Pisces — The Two Fish represents the Great Gathering of God’s people, The Day of the Lord (Zechariah 14), Last Judgment when God will punish evil both in heaven and on earth (Isaiah 24:21–22). He will gather His redeemed people, those who put their faith in Jesus, the good fish, while the bad fish, those who rejected Jesus, are separated from God’s presence (Matthew 13:47–50). This will be the fulfillment of the Great Passover (Luke 22:14–16). The end of the age.
NOTE: This presentation has nothing to do with people who have their sun, moon or rising in any of these astrological signs. This is about how the zodiac is God’s painting in the sky that foretells the biblical story of redemption through Jesus Christ.
To learn more about how astrology points to the Jesus, read how the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn align with the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
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